Pageants 21

A map will be displayed here shortly.

  1. Coventry Cathedral Pageant
    Many cities in Britain were heavily bombed during the Second World War; however, along with London, Coventry has come to symbolise the civilian costs of war in a similar way to Dresden, Stalingrad ...

  2. National Pageant of Wales
    The National Pageant of Wales, which took place in Cardiff in 1909, was almost certainly the first major pageant to be staged in the principality, and remains to this day undoubtedly the largest. W...

  3. The Historical Pageant of Leicestershire
    The Leicester Pageant of 1932 was locally a major event, with twelve performances and a cast of 5000 performers, utilising the Edwardian pageantry tradition through one of the most successful and b...

  4. Defendamus: A Pageant of Taunton
    The Taunton Pageant was a medium-sized event, much in the mould of the Parkerian style of pageant, performed times in one week in the summer of 1928. Its other title was ‘Defendamus’—the town’s (at...

  5. Pageant of Pembroke
    It was originally intended that the Pembroke Pageant would take place in 1957, to coincide with the five hundredth anniversary of the birth of Henry Tudor—King Henry VII—at Pembroke Castle. In the ...

  6. Bath Historical Pageant
    Edwardian Pageants can accurately be said to have followed a domino-effect where a pageant, either in the locality or in a town of similar size, provoked the inception of another—for the sake of ke...

  7. Bramshill Park Historical Pageant
    This pageant was held in the grounds of Bramshill House in Hampshire, and is an example of the many small pageants held in and around great country estates in the interwar period. Perhaps appropria...

  8. Nottingham Quincentenary Pageant
    The Nottingham Quincentenary Pageant was a key attraction of city-wide anniversary celebrations of the 1449 charter granted by King Henry VI. It took place in the Nottingham Ice Stadium, an indoor ...

  9. The Pageant of Parliament
    The Pageant of Parliament, also advertised as ‘Parliament and the People’, was a major pageant-play that took place in the Royal Albert Hall in 1934. It had an extensive run of 24 performances, a c...

  10. This Precious Stone: A Pageant Play of Guildford
    This pageant was put on by the Guildford Youth Committee. A film of the pageant was made, but the editing took a great deal of time. It was finally shown at the Gaumont British Cinema, Wardour Stre...

  11. Berkshire Historical Pageant
    Women’s Institute (WI) Pageants were highly popular during the 1920s and early 1930s, and county pageants were especially successful. Other County WI pageants were held at the following: Norfolk (1...

  12. The Pageant of Guildford 1957
    The Pageant of Guildford was a relatively large event staged to commemorate the 700th anniversary of the granting of the town’s first charter. It was produced by Christopher Ede—by this point the m...

  13. The Pageant of Empire
    The Pageant of Empire took place over the course of a wet six weeks in July and August 1924 in the huge newly-constructed concrete Wembley Stadium. It was just one attraction of the monumental Brit...

  14. Historical Pageant of Ipswich
    ‘The idea of writing a historical pageant of Ipswich was conceived by the History Club some time ago, and visions of its possible form presented themselves in February, 1934 when Mr. Rowley Ellisto...

  15. Norwich Pageant
    The Norfolk Pageant was the second major Pageant in the city produced by Nugent Monck, fourteen years after his Peter Mancroft Pageant (1912), which had begun a long-standing interaction with the c...

  16. Coventry Festival of Britain Godiva Pageant
    In 1951 Coventry, perhaps more than anywhere else, had reason to wish for something better and to focus on its past rather than its ruined present. The heavy concentration of key war industries in ...

  17. The Manchester Pageant
    The Manchester Historical Pageant was the ‘chief feature’ of the citywide celebrations in 1938, following on from major pageant in 1926 and 1932. It commemorated the bestowal of a Charter of Incorp...

  18. The Wells Pageant
    The Wells Historical Pageant of 1923 was a small event, with only two performances, organised with the primary purpose of raising money towards the building of a permanent hall for the Wells Women’...

  19. Hull Grammar School Historical Pageant
    Hull and East Yorkshire came fairly late to historical pageantry, favouring civic processions instead (at Hull in 1931 and Beverley in 1936). The Hull pageant of 1936 was held in aid of the ‘Alcock...

  20. Gower Pageant
    As Ernest Helme wrote in the foreword in the souvenir booklet, the form the pageant took originated in a financial shortfall at the West Gower Nursing Association at the beginning of 1923:Owing to ...