Pageants 26

A map will be displayed here shortly.

  1. Bilston Historical Pageant
    Bilston is a town in the heart of the Black Country whose industries were historically focused on coalmining, stone quarrying, iron and steel production, buckle and lock making, and manufacturing i...

  2. The Harrow Historical Pageant
    The Harrow Historical Pageant was one of the first of the inter-war pageants to return to the traditional civic style of the pre-1914 movement (see also the entry for the Reading Historical Pageant...

  3. ‘Flame of Freedom’
    Religious pageants, both by Anglican and nonconformist churches, reached their heyday in the interwar period. Paradoxically, this development accompanied a major stagnation in overall religious obs...

  4. The Historical Pageant of Leicestershire
    The Leicester Pageant of 1932 was locally a major event, with twelve performances and a cast of 5000 performers, utilising the Edwardian pageantry tradition through one of the most successful and b...

  5. Light Over England Historical Pageant
    The vast majority of pageants included scenes highlighting the importance of the Christian religion to a place or people, and also to the development of the English nation. Yet, for all that religi...

  6. A Pageant of the Church in Colne
    In a year when pageants, organised by numerous organisations as well as municipal authorities, abounded across the whole of the British Isles, the town of Colne in Lancashire had the distinction of...

  7. Bath Historical Pageant
    Edwardian Pageants can accurately be said to have followed a domino-effect where a pageant, either in the locality or in a town of similar size, provoked the inception of another—for the sake of ke...

  8. The Historical Pageant of Faith and Freedom
    Hugh Parry, a Welsh Congregationalist minister, wrote a number of historical pageants which told the story of the emergence and growth of forms of Nonconformist Protestantism in Britain. These incl...

  9. Northwich Pageant: the Queen's Heritage
    The detail of this pageant, which took place in the Cheshire town of Northwich during the period of austerity following World War II, remains stubbornly opaque. It is almost certain that it was mai...

  10. Ilford Children’s Pageant
    Children’s pageants proved popular fixtures during the twentieth century, for instance in Stepney (1909), Kirkcaldy (1911), Windsor (1911), Berkhamsted (1922), and Leeds (1926). Many smaller-scale ...

  11. The Rock of Penmaenmawr
    The Rock of Penmaenmawr was a pageant performed in 1928 in the small town of Llanfairfechan. Its title referred to the North East extremity of the great crescent of mountains known as ‘Eryi’ (the m...

  12. Guiseley Historical Pageant
    Whilst Virginia Woolf’s notable literary depiction of a pageant in her novel Between the Acts features an annual pageant, these were in fact quite rare. The level of organisation and time commitmen...

  13. The Finsbury Story
    The Finsbury Story was a late and commendable instance of municipal pageantry, the type which had flourished in interwar Britain but had gone into decline in the immediate post-war decades. These p...

  14. Pageant of Church History
    The Pageant of Church History was an unashamed fundraiser and was part of a larger initiative to raise money for those perennial problems of bishops the world over—namely, stopping the church roof ...

  15. Andover Coronation Celebrations
    The 1953 Coronation was an important occasion for historical pageantry in the 1950s. This was one of many relatively small-scale pageants staged across the UK at this time. As is clear from film fo...

  16. Clifton Parish Church Centenary Pageant
    There had been a church on the site in Clifton Parish, to the north of the centre of Bristol, since 1154 AD. During the early nineteenth century, Clifton became a fashionable area of Bristol. In th...

  17. A Pageant of Bristol Cathedral
    A pageant was held to mark the 800th anniversary of Bristol Cathedral. Three performances were given in the nave of the cathedral. The focus of the pageant on the history of the cathedral, from its...

  18. Leeds Tercentenary Children’s Pageant
    Happy is the country which has no history, says a celebrated epigram; but there has never been a community, big or little, which was willing to congratulate itself on this kind of felicity. The say...

  19. Pageant of Poole
    Taking place in 1952 the Pageant of Poole was the last production of the theatrical performer and producer Gwen Lally, probably the most famous and prolific of the female pageant-masters. The autho...

  20. Historical Pageant of Newcastle and the North
    One of the fundamental tenets of historical pageantry was, and is, that it brought people together in a common purpose. The Pageant of Newcastle and the North took this notion of communal involveme...