Pageants 4

A map will be displayed here shortly.

  1. A Pageant of the Church in Colne
    In a year when pageants, organised by numerous organisations as well as municipal authorities, abounded across the whole of the British Isles, the town of Colne in Lancashire had the distinction of...

  2. Coronation Pageant
    Press coverage for this pageant has not been consulted; but it seems likely that it was an event that only attracted attention in the immediate locality. Given the number of celebrations, including...

  3. Northwich Pageant: the Queen's Heritage
    The detail of this pageant, which took place in the Cheshire town of Northwich during the period of austerity following World War II, remains stubbornly opaque. It is almost certain that it was mai...

  4. Pageant of London (South of the Thames)
    Staged in the grounds of the Crystal Palace, at Sydenham, this pageant was a celebration of the history of London—but specifically that of south London. This perhaps reflected a feeling that the hi...