Pageants 5

A map will be displayed here shortly.

  1. Pageant of Bignor
    In 1911 Bignor had a population of 112, fewer than the number of performers ‘of all grades of society, and mainly drawn from the immediate district’3 who participated in the Pageant of Bignor.4 As ...

  2. The Pageant of Parliament
    The Pageant of Parliament, also advertised as ‘Parliament and the People’, was a major pageant-play that took place in the Royal Albert Hall in 1934. It had an extensive run of 24 performances, a c...

  3. The Pevensey Pageant
    Taking place in 1908 in the ruins of the Castle, the Pevensey Historical Pageant was also a pageant of Sussex. While the episodes focused on Pevensey, it was only a small village of around four hun...

  4. St Paul’s Steps
    How much did spectators actually get out of pageants? Did people in the cheapest seats at the pageant, who most likely did not buy a programme or book of words, particularly those whose grip on his...

  5. Church History Pageant, Great Bookham
    Churches were involved in the pageant movement from the outset. For parish churches like St Nicolas, in Great Bookham, pageants offered a means of celebrating the long continuities of Christian wor...